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+missing jiahui?
Currently @flumber.wordpress.com

Saturday, January 13, 2007 | 5:21 PM
My last 323 post! || Back to top, baby.

My last ever 323rd post on blogger!!! sobs sobs. Blogger has been creating too many problems for me rather unfortunately... so it's time for the move! Maybe I will be back one day... but i don't know!

So yes, i have MOVED!

[edit: I changed this so as to convenience people like poo poo : D poo don't you feel special?]

| 2:28 PM

After watching one episode of Hamtaro yesterday morning, the theme song is stuck in my head!!! Arh get it out get it out!

ham-ham friends lets start the show
join the team c'mon lets go
little hamsters, big adventures

he leaves his cage when Laura's away
the ham-ham friends all wanna play
if someone needs are help today

he's the star of (star) every show

what's the word? someones in trouble
to the clubhouse on the double
we'll make a plan and lend a hand

it's ticky-ticky, badda-badda
time to run
we coosh-coosh, jiggy
gotta get the job done
nip-nip, crum-crum
all we need
are chicky-chicky, coosh
some flower seeds

we'll work together this I know

everybodies favorite friend
his little paws he'll always lend
we'll be together 'till the end


Me wants a ham-ham too! ):

Whee! Yippie! Yeah!
Kushi-Kushi Ticky-Ticky.

| 4:01 AM

Whenever I blog, it’s always about CO. Maybe you had already noticed. My school life is just too monotonous, as compared to the life I lead in CO, which is fraught with danger (ahem) and excitement. Whatever! T_T

I missed LYFE for CO yesterday. I feel quite bad about it, cus after all it’s the first LYFE session anyhows! But when I wanted to leave the co classroom to go for LYFE, wls arrived and she went on to rant about syf stuff and all and it just wasn’t nice to leave suddenly for LYFE, is it? It’s just plain erm [-insert word-].…? Like, you were there and suddenly you just decided to disappear? Aiix.

Anyway, today was the day we decided to perhaps, more or less finalise the list of people going for syf. It’s really tedious and there were like so many factors to consider. Urgh, you know, urgh!? At the end of the day, we decided to have a talk with yx, just to know what her decision is. I hate talks. I freaking hate little private serious talks. It’s just that heavy silence, no one cracking a smile, everyone just staring at the ground with a stony expression. It’s even worse than ygygls, and that’s saying a lot. And it especially sucks when you have to be the one who confronts (or rather, we cornered, urgh, the thought) the person. It’s crazy and insane, but it’s unavoidable. After all, it’s not fair to us and the others if we don’t know her decision and it drags on and on and on. What if she decides to quit in the end right before syf, like what ling did before concert? It’s not fair to her either if she has to force herself to come for each session, hating every moment of it. That’s just awful isn’t it? There was this huge immense silence hanging in the air, and all I felt was disappointment. Why is it that syf 2005 can feel so different from syf 2007? How is it that someone can be so enthusiastic about something in 2005 and lose all of it in the next few moments? All I know is, I miss having the enthusiastic yx!

Change your mind please? I wish the 3 of us zhonghuians can still get a chance to play together in syf 2007. That’s all. That’s it.


I am sick with a bloody [metaphorically] red nose. What I really want now is a hot water bottle, a bowl of hot soup, a snuggly bed to curl up in, and hongkong dramas to indulge in. Not these lousy math worksheets. Not this lousy jianbao I am doing. Especially not this shit I am going through right now.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007 | 2:26 AM

I am getting back into the school mood again! 0_0.

My life is very boring and monotonous nowadays. ): Sad, no?

Wednesday, January 03, 2007 | 3:45 AM

hello! it's year 2007 now! it's time for me to blog a little bit. 0_0


The performance at KS chee was horribly screwed. I felt the atmosphere just wasnt there, as in it didn't have the erm, climax!?!? ji qin!?? or wtr i was looking for. 0_0 it was just so messy as compared to concert. and wls said tt we cld only get bronze for tt performance. 0_0 tt's saying alot. tts jsut how bad the performance was. 0_0 but nvm, we can do better, right? 0_0

I need to have more self motivation and pick up my huu more, be it the erhu or the zhonghu. 0_0.

0_0. tts how i feel right now.

okay fast forward now okay!

first day of school!
it's just so weird. I am still in the holiday mood. can someone just wake me up pls. 0_0

okay i dont feel like blogging anymore. 0_0 =X =X =X haha sry lah.

Friday, December 29, 2006 | 6:11 AM

I am never, ever, going to take 190 alone to raffles town club AGAIN.

I just missed one puny little bus stop, and the next thing i know, i am in bukit panjang. 0_0.
Pity crys doesnt live there anymore, or i cld have visited her haha. ):


it's amazing how someone can seem to be such a good listener and all, but in actual fact, she dont really care at all.

Thursday, December 28, 2006 | 7:38 AM

I used to enjoy going to CO because of the ppl inside this cca; now i wish i can get out it just to avoid these ppl.
maybe it's because the ppl had changed. maybe it's just me.

Suddenly, i realised just how horrible we really were to those who arent really in the xianyue sec3 clinque.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006 | 2:14 AM




charlotte's web is so dots.

i want to watch night but somehow or other the plan to watch night on friday is replaced by deathnote instead. i want to watch deathnote too, but i have no more money. ): charlotte wasted my money. -fumes-

it's my own fault for going along to watch charlotte's anyway. ):

Sunday, December 24, 2006 | 10:17 PM

i have only been gone for a week and now i feel like i have missed lots of stuff and suddenly i cant catch up and i dont know what's going on, and that feeling sucks. 0-0


ocean park have cool rides.